- The recently closed 3Skillets restaurant in downtownHuntsville is being sued for unpaid rent.
CardwellHolding Co., which owns the former 3Skillets space at 121 North Side Square,filed a lawsuit Tuesday in Madison County Circuit Court against restaurantoperators Kharen, Ruth and May Mercado.
The lawsuit contends the Mercados, who are sisters, failed to make all monthly payments according to thelease terms and owe nearly ,000. Cardwell Holding is also seeking interest and attorney fees.
3Skilletsdefaulted on the lease previously, the lawsuit says, but was allowed tomaintain possession of the building after agreeing to a repayment schedule forthe overdue rent.
Ruth Mercadodid not respond to requests for comment.
Opened inJanuary 2012, 3Skillets served classic American cuisine and old-fashioned comfortfood. The Mercado sisters and mergedit with their other restaurant, Sandwich Farm, located about a mile away onCleveland Avenue.
"Our biggestdraw at Sandwich Farm is lunch, and at 3Skillets, our biggest draw isbreakfast," Ruth Mercado told AL.com in announcing the merger. "We do OK forlunch and dinner, so I said, 'Why don't we just put it together and hopefullyit works.' It still has the same theory behind it, with everything being fresh,everything being made here and still using local farmers."