How do we get into God's presence so our face shines like Moses' did? First, we pray and give what's in our heart to Him each day. He's waiting for us to speak the details of our day so He can show us how beautiful they were or how He can correct them. Second there are some gifts that only come from the Holy Spirit within us. Those very odd gifts are meekness, gentleness, kindness and humility. Somehow He doesn't need us to be perfect, or self-righteous. We don't need to be condemning of all the sin in the world. We just need to humbly confess our own.
With humble Moses God spoke directly and clearly. No mysterious dreams or dark words with hidden meanings need be with a humble one. So God allowed Moses not to see His face but the form of Him. There's a small penguin statue that is completely white. There is no face or tuxedo painted on him... he only has the form of a penguin. But his form is sweet. He seems to be asking for love. And he wants to cuddle. All these things can be discerned from his form. Moses learned much more from god's speaking and His form. God is a deep, unfathomable well that He revealed partially, clearly, daily to Moses.
No the man Moses was very meek (gentle, kind, and humble) or above all the men on the face of the earth. And He said, Hear now My words: If there is a prophet among you, I the Lord make Myself known to him in a vision and speak to him in a dream. With him I speak mouth to mouth [directly], clearly and not in dark speeches; and he beholds the form of the Lord.... (Numbers 12:3, 6, 8 AMP)
...That is why He says, God sets Himself against the proud and haughty, but gives grace [continually] to the lowly (those who are humble enough to receive it). [Prov. 3:34.] (James 4:6 AMP)