Webb PS Ltd

Low Grove, Cockshutt
SY12 0JJ


Listed under:  Builders, Roofers / Roofing
0% recommended   Rating Webb PS Ltd 0.1/100
1 reviews since 2025
Satisfaction Ratings
Overall Rating
0 /10 Overall Rating 0.0/10
Based on 1 reviews since 2025
Quality 0/10 Quality Rating 0.0
The quality of the work was as expected and agreed

Tidy 0/10 Tidy Rating 0.0
There was little disruption and the site was left clear and tidy

Service 0/10 Service Rating 0.0
The team was friendly, helpful, considerate and professional

Value 0/10 Value Rating 0.0
The price represents value for money

Recent Reviews 
" Despite assurances from Chris Webb that all work would be of a high standard and fully comply with all relevant building regulations, a review by independent experts has confirmed that the work was su...."   more
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Customer Reviews



Review 1 Feb 2025
Not Recommended by customer in SY12
Satisfaction Ratings
Quality 0/10
The quality of the work was as expected and agreed
Tidy 0/10
There was little disruption and the site was left clear and tidy
Service 0/10
The team was friendly, helpful, considerate and professional
Value 0/10
The price represents value for money
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Customer Review
We contracted Webb PS Ltd to build 3 extensions on our property in September 2022. WebbPS Ltd were contracted to demolish a single story section of the property, excavate and build three new extensions. The work was due to complete within 6 months as per their Federation of Master Builder''s Contract The quote supplied outlined the work that was to be done, however, WebbPS did not complete the work as outlined in the quote, at several points decisions were made independently by WebbPS to change the design without our knowledge and change specifications of their work.

"Despite assurances from Chris Webb that all work would be of a high standard and fully comply with all relevant building regulations, a review by independent experts has confirmed that the work was substandard and failed to meet key regulatory requirements.
We are happy to supply copies of the reports carried out by Building control and an independent Chartered surveyor and a CPR35 report from another independent surveyor which clearly show…

“The extension and construction work that has been completed is to a poor standard and a number of inadequate areas have been identified. Improvement and alterations to the building work are required.”

We contacted Webb PS Ltd and complained under the Consumer Rights Act 2015 and Webb PS Ltd refuted our claims.
WebbPS Ltd is a Member of the Federation of Master Builders, so we entered mediation to try to resolve the issue, rectifying these issues is estimated to cost us an additional £50,000, covering the necessary repairs and bringing the work up to standard. WebbPS Ltd failed to accept any responsibility for their work and actions and offered £900 in compensation.

We have the option of taking civil action against WebbPS ltd, however, Mr Webb has also set up a new company Webb Build Ltd and it is our legal representative’s belief that Mr Webb will merely refuse to pay and liquidate WebbPS Ltd.

WebbPS Ltd contract stated
• We will use the reasonable skill and care expected of a Master Builder.
• We will construct and complete the works so they comply with relevant standards and satisfy regulatory authorities.
• We will act honestly and in your best interests.

The work by Webb PS Ltd does not meet the necessary safety and compliance standards, as verified by official reports from Local Building control, a RICS Chartered Surveyor and a CPR 35 report from a different surveyor, so definitely the work does not show the reasonable skill and care expected of a Master Builder.
The 3 independent reports clearly confirm that the work by Webb PS does not comply with relevant standards and does not satisfy regulatory authorities.

And we know from trying to resolve the issues Chris Webb does not act honestly and in homeowners best interests.

Since our issues came to light, we have found out that Chris Webb is a qualified town planner, with an Undergraduate Degree in Urban Planning and a Postgraduate in Environmental Planning, However, he has no formal qualifications as a builder. He is not honest, nor trustworthy, he lacks morals and integrity.
Chris Webb

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