Barnwood Carpentry Ltd

55 Combe Road


Listed under:  Builders
100% recommended   Rating Barnwood Carpentry Ltd 10/100
4 reviews since 2024
Satisfaction Ratings
Overall Rating
10 /10 Overall Rating 10.0/10
Based on 4 reviews since 2024
Quality 10/10 Quality Rating 10.0
The quality of the work was as expected and agreed

Tidy 10/10 Tidy Rating 10.0
There was little disruption and the site was left clear and tidy

Service 10/10 Service Rating 10.0
The team was friendly, helpful, considerate and professional

Value 10/10 Value Rating 10.0
The price represents value for money

Recent Reviews 
" Owners Richard and Tabitha were a pleasure to deal with, they were prompt, responsive, open and straightforward in all interactions. All services were delivered exactly as advised and to an exceptiona...."   more
" Excellent service. Professionally delivered work with excellent standard of finish. Well project managed"   more
" Richard was very attentive to my reqirements and made helpful suggestions to achieve the best design. The team worked continuously from start to finish, heeping the site tidy as they went and at the ...."   more
" We wanted a large pergola build with green oak on our patio, and Barnwood Carpentry created it from our original design. They worked efficiently and neatly, causing as little disruption as possible. ...."   more
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Customer Reviews



Review 5 Sep 2024
Recommended by customer in GU7
Satisfaction Ratings
Quality 10/10
The quality of the work was as expected and agreed
Tidy 10/10
There was little disruption and the site was left clear and tidy
Service 10/10
The team was friendly, helpful, considerate and professional
Value 10/10
The price represents value for money
Show All
Customer Review
Replacement of 7 old internal doors with natural wood replacement doors. Removal and disposal of old doors and fitting of new doors.

"Owners Richard and Tabitha were a pleasure to deal with, they were prompt, responsive, open and straightforward in all interactions. All services were delivered exactly as advised and to an exceptionally high level of quality. The team were a joy to work with, all the team were great to deal with, highly professional and courteous in all their dealings. The work carried out is excellent and the team cleared up beautifully once they finished. Cannot recommend highly enough."
Richard, Tabitha, Alex, Ben & Hayden.

Review 7 Aug 2024
Recommended by customer in Gu72
Satisfaction Ratings
Quality 10/10
The quality of the work was as expected and agreed
Tidy 10/10
There was little disruption and the site was left clear and tidy
Service 10/10
The team was friendly, helpful, considerate and professional
Value 10/10
The price represents value for money
Show All
Customer Review
Re-pitching of roof rafters on conservatory

"Excellent service. Professionally delivered work with excellent standard of finish. Well project managed"

Review 27 Jun 2024
Recommended by customer in GU7
Satisfaction Ratings
Quality 10/10
The quality of the work was as expected and agreed
Tidy 10/10
There was little disruption and the site was left clear and tidy
Service 10/10
The team was friendly, helpful, considerate and professional
Value 10/10
The price represents value for money
Show All
Customer Review
Car port

"Richard was very attentive to my reqirements and made helpful suggestions to achieve the best design. The team worked continuously from start to finish, heeping the site tidy as they went and at the end of each day. The finished car port is very neat and looks in keeping with the property.

Review 27 Jun 2024
Recommended by customer in KT22
Satisfaction Ratings
Quality 10/10
The quality of the work was as expected and agreed
Tidy 10/10
There was little disruption and the site was left clear and tidy
Service 10/10
The team was friendly, helpful, considerate and professional
Value 10/10
The price represents value for money
Show All
Customer Review
Large heavyweight pergola from green oak on a patio with corbel detail and, later, trellis

"We wanted a large pergola build with green oak on our patio, and Barnwood Carpentry created it from our original design. They worked efficiently and neatly, causing as little disruption as possible.

All done in four working days after base brickwork was in place and charged us correctly as originally quoted. The quality of build and detail is outstanding. It's the best feature of our garden -- all visitors to our garden love it."
Richard & Tabitha, Gus, Hayden, and two more team members in build stage

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