Robert Hill & Co (Electrical Engineers) LTD

62 Strathblane Road, Milngavie

G62 8DJ


Listed under:  Electricians
0% recommended   Rating Robert Hill & Co (Electrical Engineers) LTD 7.5/100
1 reviews since 2015
Satisfaction Ratings
Overall Rating
7.5 /10 Overall Rating 7.5/10
Based on 1 reviews since 2015
Quality 6/10 Quality Rating 6.0
The quality of the work was as expected and agreed

Tidy 4/10 Tidy Rating 4.0
There was little disruption and the site was left clear and tidy

Service 10/10 Service Rating 10.0
The team was friendly, helpful, considerate and professional

Value 10/10 Value Rating 10.0
The price represents value for money

Recent Reviews 
" Very reliable firm who did a very good job. Arrived on time and started work immediately. Tidied up afterwards. What let them down was the price - £1,434 to fit a consumer unit! Quote was in writing a...."   more
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Customer Reviews



Review 27 May 2015
No Recommendation by customer in G66
Satisfaction Ratings
Quality 6/10
The quality of the work was as expected and agreed
Tidy 4/10
There was little disruption and the site was left clear and tidy
Service 10/10
The team was friendly, helpful, considerate and professional
Value 10/10
The price represents value for money
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Customer Review
New Consumer Unit

"Very reliable firm who did a very good job. Arrived on time and started work immediately. Tidied up afterwards. What let them down was the price - £1,434 to fit a consumer unit! Quote was in writing and not broken down - just a global figure for the job. The receipted invoice sent by post had no breakdown either. Needed job done asap. Sorry, only 3 stars for professionalism as a result. This was extortionate even taking into account the earth bonding (which did not take long) the testing and reports they had to complete. No rewiring of the property was needed."

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