Electrical Finesse Ltd

Aves Business Centre,11 Jamaica Street

PA15 1XX


Listed under:  Electricians
100% recommended   Rating Electrical Finesse Ltd 9.3/100
1 reviews since 2024
Satisfaction Ratings
Overall Rating
9.3 /10 Overall Rating 9.3/10
Based on 1 reviews since 2024
Quality 9/10 Quality Rating 9.0
The quality of the work was as expected and agreed

Tidy 9/10 Tidy Rating 9.0
There was little disruption and the site was left clear and tidy

Service 10/10 Service Rating 10.0
The team was friendly, helpful, considerate and professional

Value 9/10 Value Rating 9.0
The price represents value for money

Recent Reviews 
" I am grateful to Jamie for all that he has done. He was willing to listen to my requirements and tried his best to fulfil them. He was also attentive to details during the work and the whole installa...."   more
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Customer Reviews



Review 15 Jul 2024
Recommended by customer in Pa27
Satisfaction Ratings
Quality 9/10
The quality of the work was as expected and agreed
Tidy 9/10
There was little disruption and the site was left clear and tidy
Service 10/10
The team was friendly, helpful, considerate and professional
Value 9/10
The price represents value for money
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Customer Review
A solar and battery installation A new fuse box

"I am grateful to Jamie for all that he has done.
He was willing to listen to my requirements and tried his best to fulfil them. He was also attentive to details during the work and the whole installation process was smooth. I am pleased to recommend Electrical Finesse for solar and battery system installation.

Consumer unit relocation and installation of Givenergy Gateway

Givenergy All In One 13.5kwh Battery with bespoke wooden enclosure

Solar PV inverter

In-roof Solar PV, Battery within enclosure

Givenergy All In One 13.5kwh Battery

Fuse connection unit & consumer unit relocation joint box
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