EV Miles Ltd t/a Malvern Solar

Unit 5 The Clifton Centre, Spring Lane South

WR14 1BJ


Listed under:  Electricians
100% recommended   Rating EV Miles Ltd t/a Malvern Solar 10/100
1 reviews since 2023
Satisfaction Ratings
Overall Rating
10 /10 Overall Rating 10.0/10
Based on 1 reviews since 2023
Quality 10/10 Quality Rating 10.0
The quality of the work was as expected and agreed

Tidy 10/10 Tidy Rating 10.0
There was little disruption and the site was left clear and tidy

Service 10/10 Service Rating 10.0
The team was friendly, helpful, considerate and professional

Value 10/10 Value Rating 10.0
The price represents value for money

Recent Reviews 
" I had solar panels and solar thermal panels fitted with a battery. Malvern Solar were helpful in advising me as to what size of array and battery would be most appropriate. They organised everythi...."   more
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Customer Reviews



Review 3 Oct 2023
Recommended by customer in WR14
Satisfaction Ratings
Quality 10/10
The quality of the work was as expected and agreed
Tidy 10/10
There was little disruption and the site was left clear and tidy
Service 10/10
The team was friendly, helpful, considerate and professional
Value 10/10
The price represents value for money
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Customer Review
Malvern Solar fitted solar panels, solar thermal and a battery at my home.

"I had solar panels and solar thermal panels fitted with a battery. Malvern Solar were helpful in advising me as to what size of array and battery would be most appropriate.

They organised everything from the scaffolding going up to the end of the clear up, and made sure I understood how everything worked.

The team were friendly and professional throughout the process, and I could always contact someone with questions.

The installation is great. I haven’t paid for electricity for the last four months and have collected a refund from the National Grid!

I would definitely recommend this company."
Steve, Will, Lewis and Adrian were all amazing! Thank you 😊
   Business Reply:

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We are thrilled that you are happy customer!

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