Cumbrian Properties - Sales

Fenton House, Corney Square
CA11 7PX

Estate Agents

Listed under:  Estate Agents
67% recommended   Rating Cumbrian Properties - Sales 8.1/100
3 reviews since 2012
Satisfaction Ratings
Overall Rating
8.1 /10 Overall Rating 8.1/10
Based on 3 reviews since 2012
Professional 8.7/10 Professional Rating 8.7
The firm acted professionally at all times

Knowledgeable 9/10 Knowledgeable Rating 9.0
The firm showed a good knowledge of local market conditions

Friendly 8/10 Friendly Rating 8.0
The staff are friendly and give clear and helpful information

Helpful 6.7/10 Helpful Rating 6.7
The firm helped in the negotiations between buyer and seller

Recent Reviews 
" Excellent service. Very informative. Guided me through my first purchase. Helpful in every way."   more
" Only advice given was to keep bringing price down. Much muddle about photo and details. Not kept up to date on internet. We found a buyer ourselves finally and they didn’t help at all with price negot...."   more
" Were really helpful and would use Cumbrian Properties in the future."   more
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Reputations are not built overnight
In Referenceline's view, this track record is more important than the ratings. Don't be impressed by a few old reviews which may not be representative.  Look for firms with a commitment to asking for feedback - good or bad - from their customers.  We recommend that you look for a track record of ratings and reviews in at least 9 of the last 12 months and that you should not be too concerned about an isolated negative review.  Ask the firm for their side of the story.

Code of Practice
Businesses have a legal responsibility to treat you fairly, but it's often hard to know what questions to ask or what standards to expect.  They are the experts and you should be able to rely on them to help you make decisions.  These questions explain the commitments that this business has made to follow a code of practice and they will help you understand what you have a right to expect.

Sellers: Ombudsman: 0%
SELLERS Did the firm show you evidence of their membership of an Ombudsman scheme to give you free, independent review of any complaints ? (eg is the Ombudsman logo shown on the sales particulars for your property?)
Sellers: Fees: 0%
SELLERS Did the firm clearly explain their fees, expenses & business terms and confirm this in writing (including email) before marketing your property?
Sellers: Buyer services: 0%
SELLERS Did the firm make clear whether or not they wish to offer other services (such as mortgages) to potential buyers of your property?
Sellers: Particulars: 100%
SELLERS Did the firm ask you to confirm the accuracy of the draft particulars before marketing your property?
Sellers: Viewing: 100%
SELLERS Did the firm agree the viewing arrangements with you and comply with these arrangements?
Sellers: Offers: 100%
SELLERS Did the firm confirm all offers in writing (including email)?
Sellers: Marketing: 0%
SELLERS Did the firm ask you whether or not the property should remain on the market after the offer was accepted. (n/a in Scotland)?
Buyers: Ombudsman: 50%
BUYERS Did the firm show you evidence of their membership of an Ombudsman scheme to give you free, independent review of any complaints ? (eg is the Ombudsman logo shown on the sales particulars for your property?)
Buyers: Marketing: 100%
BUYERS Did the firm tell you if the property was kept on the market after your offer was accepted, or was put back on the market later on. (n/a in Scotland)?
Buyers: Accuracy: 100%
BUYERS Did the firm give you accurate (i.e. not misleading) information about properties?
Buyers: Offer: 100%
BUYERS Did the firm accept your offer without attaching any conditions (such as that you should arrange your mortgage through them)?
You can see how many customers have said "Yes" in answer to each question, but please don't expect 100% in every case.  Nobody's perfect and some customers may not be completely sure about the answer.  It's more important that you understand these questions and discuss them with the business so that you both agree what good service means for you.  A responsible business will be happy to explain the details to you and it's always better to clarify these points upfront to avoid misunderstandings later on.

Most Popular Words
Reputations are about so more than just ratings. What are the words that customers tend to volunteer when a firm is mentioned? Do they mention particular people that work there?

Helpful 2
advice 1
bringing 1
buyer 1
contract 1
Cumbrian 1
details 1
didn’t 1
Excellent 1
fees 1
These are the words most often used in the reviews for this business. Look for the names and comments that reviewers use most often. We count each word once per review.

Reviews that match your Budget
There are many good businesses listed on this site. Some may specialise in either larger or smaller budgets, while other may cater for the full range. See if this business has demonstrated a track record of experience that matches your needs.
This chart shows the value of the reviews received by Referenceline, so you can see if they generally handle the size of budget you have in mind. You can use the filter below to select the reviews that match your need.

Customer Reviews



Review 30 Oct 2012
Recommended by customer in CA4
Satisfaction Ratings
Professional 10/10
The firm acted professionally at all times
Knowledgeable 10/10
The firm showed a good knowledge of local market conditions
Friendly 10/10
The staff are friendly and give clear and helpful information
Helpful 10/10
The firm helped in the negotiations between buyer and seller
Show All
Customer Review
Semi-detach. Village location.

"Excellent service. Very informative. Guided me through my first purchase. Helpful in every way."

Review 14 Sep 2012
Not Recommended by customer in CA16
Satisfaction Ratings
Professional 6/10
The firm acted professionally at all times
Knowledgeable 7/10
The firm showed a good knowledge of local market conditions
Friendly 4/10
The staff are friendly and give clear and helpful information
Helpful 0/10
The firm helped in the negotiations between buyer and seller
Show All
Customer Review
Detached 4 bedroom house with integral double garage stone built. Less than 10 years old. Lovely location. Quality fittings and in excellent garden throughout.

"Only advice given was to keep bringing price down. Much muddle about photo and details. Not kept up to date on internet. We found a buyer ourselves finally and they didn’t help at all with price negotiations. We paid them full fees as per contract but far from happy with outcome."

Review 5 Sep 2012
Recommended by customer in CA10
Satisfaction Ratings
Professional 10/10
The firm acted professionally at all times
Knowledgeable 10/10
The firm showed a good knowledge of local market conditions
Friendly 10/10
The staff are friendly and give clear and helpful information
Helpful 10/10
The firm helped in the negotiations between buyer and seller
Show All
Customer Review
Terraced house on the main street of shop. In need of restoration.

"Were really helpful and would use Cumbrian Properties in the future."

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