Satisfaction Ratings |
Sales & Support
The advice and information was helpful and all correspondence was easy to understand
Packing & Handling
The firm took care in packing and handling our property
Collection & delivery
Our property was collected and delivered as agreed
The staff were presentable punctual and polite
The price represents value for money
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Code of practice
Before the move, did your remover make you aware of the Code of Practice?
Before the move, did your remover give you a clear description, price and timetable for the work to be carried out?
Loss or damage
Did your remover draw your particular attention to the contract terms relating to a). Liability for loss or damage?
Claims timing
Did your remover draw your particular attention to the contract terms relating to b). Time limits for making claims?
Did your remover draw your particular attention to the contract terms relating to c). Cancellation / postponement rights and charges?
Protection options
Before the move, did your remover explain your insurance or other protection options?
Claims procedure
Before the move, did your remover make you aware of the procedure for making claims and to whom complaints should be referred?
Customer Review
I moved from North Hertfordshire to NE Cleveland 220+ miles. Having lived in my previous home for 25+ yrs and had accumulated more than I realized! 4 men + 2 18 tonne lorries arrived late Tuesday Morning and by Thursday early afternoon had packed up all my belongings into the two trucks, including plants, garden equipment and furniture, a home office 4 double bedrooms a conservatory contents and a garden Shed contents plus the regular kitchen lounge, dinning room etc.. Phew! Who knew I had so much!! I was a bit overwhelmed at times and it could so easily have gone pear shaped, if it were not for the diligence, hard work, early start and late finish where necessary of the 4 menw - who did not take breaks apart from cups of tea.
Team: Lewis Andy Bob & Dennis